I'm hopeful they can patch this up... but the game should never have been released in this state and people need to talk with their wallets and refund to prove the point that it's unacceptable to launch a game like this.
They can patch bugs, but they most likely can/will not change the
flaws in map design, the
specialists nonsense or the
"Fortnite'ish" direction.
Map design: the maps where designed for 128 players, removing 64 players for better performance requires to also rework the map size. Not gonna happen, at least not for current maps & maps from "Season 1" (since they are most likely already done). Maybe for later maps. I also don't see them adding more cover (river beds, more buildings or even noob tubed smoke nades like in BC2).
Specialists nonsense: there is already a store page in the game where you most likely can purchase outfits. They wont cut out an core element to milk the sheep.
"Fortnite'ish" direction: see above points. It's an adult rated game, yet the moronic design language of the characters (would prefer the funny design of BC2), the tacky voice acting (prefer the "Motherf..." language of BF3) & the obvious Fortnite and Warzone copy pasta (map size & wingsuit = Fortnite hang glider) speaks otherwise. So does the (misleading)
Battlefield 2042 Commercial.
And the cherry on the cake is the removing of every "offending" element: scoreboard, voice & text chat, kill cam, mature language, etc.
Bet the next Battlefield will be even more dumped down & rated for teens so they can cash in more. It's over guys, Battlefield is gone. Look elsewhere.
Guys aren't we all being a little too critical about the launch? Im not bothered with the pre-launch but 19th Nov for me is the actual launch and I suspect a whole bunch of bugs or what not.
TBH, i saw similar criticism flying about during the previous BF launches and all major concerns were ironed out eventually. So what gives?
Absolutely, I don't get why people are so dam critical.

Most of the "Gaming Journalists" praise the game into heaven, so do the "Battlefield Influencers".
No too critical word, not taking any risk of getting stripped from the "EA Sponsored" payroll (Jackfrags, LevelCap, Westie, Stodeh, and loads of Gaming review aka. advertising sites, cough).
So, let's have a look at "Metacritic" (Critic Score: 73 / User Score: 2.3, wonder why lol):
Metacritic / Battlefield 2042
Steam250.com "Hall of Shame":
Bottom 100 worst Steam games of all time according to unfortunate punters (8th worst rated game on Steam)
Steam User Reviews:
Mostly Negative (~75% negative)
Discussions on "Reddit":
Reactions on "Youtube":
Youtube / Battlefield 2042 Rant
People aren't "critical" about some bugs, they are mad because EA/DICE
robbed them with misleading teasers, delivering something completely different than expected.
Something different that is on top buggy, unfinished & lacking of content. Like you ordered a buffalo steak with fries & get served raw meat with rice.