Ok so if I put a fan over it and keep them at or below 50c what would you recommend I try next? Should I shoot for a 3800mhz clock or just keep tightening the timings at 3600?
I would go for 3800 if stable and no whea 19 in eventviewer. 3800cl15 is about as hard as 3600cl14, but 3800 is generally a bit faster.
As for temps, there is binning involved. Some B-dies can handle a bit over 50C while tweaked, while others need below 45C.
I can run up to 1.5V without direct fan over ram, but I have a airflow case whith intake partially blowing at ram, GPU-blows a bit of air above ram and CPU draws air over ram. Over 1.5V I get overheat after a few minutes in karhu/TM5.
Remember you must run 2T and gear down mode off for cl15 to work.
If you try 3800 keep most timings as tabasco recommends but run:
15 15 15 30 45
272 tRFC
14/7 or 12/6 tWR/tRTP
4/8 or 4/10 wtr if doable.
PS: You won't like this, but disabling led will lower ram temp a bit since led draws a bit of power, thus creating heat, nit by much, but it can be the difference of overheating at 1.48V or 1.5V
3600CL14 is a relatively high bin for dual rank. Why are you trying to drop tRCD and tRP so low when you haven't touched any of the other timings? If you haven't gotten a feel yet for how much volt-happy your kit is, you're just torpedoing your testing by trying to force it down to 14-13-13.
I run 1.51V for 3800 14-14-14, and ~1.42V for 3600 14-14-14. Kinda depends on the board though, I was up to 1.53V for 14-15-15 on another board.
View attachment 225997
Try something like this to start, let's see how much volts you need to be stable:
View attachment 225998
I mostly agree, but tRTP should be half tWR so 12/6, tRFC is better off at 256 as it is best timed if diviable by 16 for dual rank or 8 for SR, these suggestions according to anta777
Except for that rest great advice
As for you own settings 272 tRFC might be better at 2T allows you to run 5 tRTP, changing tWR to 12 also might improve things
Might not improve anything
OK so this made no difference it was still unstable at 4/12/24
Change voltages back if it made no difference. Tried lowering tRFC, tWR/tRTP and scls yet?