Bugs for now on PS4: (Im playing on 200% Hardcore Setting)
If ure in an waiting loop it kicks u back to Main Menu
U cant cancel a waiting loop
Graphical Bugs (Ardennen the river as example switch its color from black to blue in a fast rate)
Falling trough the Map
"Server" search cant be saved every time i wanna switch it, i need to set the search paramters again
My Setup need to be changed after every Server change cause it cant save my config with Rifles etall.
Every vehicle is for the M5 a Onehit
Game crash sometimes and need to be restarted
Game crash sometimes with an Error Code
The PP-29 can everything, close range, mid range, long range (every other Class is useless)
Pumpgun make damage like lottery sometimes on 50m onehit sometimes on 5m nothing
Shoots dont get tracked: i shoot sometimes a full Mag on a enemie nothing happens, with the guns on vehicles tagainst Players its the same.
Bugs with the Spawn, if i want to spawn on E1 i spawn randomly on E2 or E3 (sometimes in the Enemy Flag)
Better to play BFV if want to play a BF