Lovely, best news!
Yet over the past 5 days, SoftBank has gone down about 11%.
With SoftBank Group Corp.’s sale of Arm Ltd. to Nvidia Corp. in severe jeopardy, the company faces the prospect of losing a jackpot of roughly $74 billion. And its consolation prize is uncertain.
This "value" of things on stockmarket can be incredibly deceptive, everything that's negative is always regarded/reported as "lost", did they even deserve to "gain" the stuff they "lost", did they even got it at all, stock market value is just what someone else thinks of what they're worth, it's a dream, a thing that does not exist, but magically real money, physical action can be pulled out of it which is the most ridicolous thing ever, so basically what the world relies on the most are not physical things such as food, water, resources, materials, space, but some virtual nonsense that gives things "worth", and this virtual nonsense that happens in random investor's minds and other players is such a ridicolous concept. This virtual thoughts of "worth", the way it depends on irresponsible-joke-like personal feelings and psychological phenomena that can be so easily manipulated and so easily influenced by so many invalid factors, but also on personal greed, could be compared to an analogy of how many beans did a random investor fart the other day, is what they're going to think something is "worth", it is just so ridicolous, it's astonishing.
The stock market is one giant casino where real lives are at stake, why is this system legal, the epitome of unfairness, how can anyone with even an inch of intelligence in their mind who is supposably this "
modern democractic free man" that has fought off the old slaveries of kings, crowns, dynasties, thiefdoms, monarchs, tsars, and dictators agree with such a moronic system. The answer is that probably most people have no idea what they're living in. Something as stupid as this shows a high probability it must have been done in bad faith, the people who thought they defeated the old slaveries probably got deceived, the slavery just continues in a more sophisticated way, and the way it works is hidden by added unnecessary complexity of the monetary system.
Do we really believe that we the actual people who use and have to live in this system's daily struggles, we designed and developed such a dumb system to later impose it on ourselfs? Or did we get screwd over by voting something in. You all know the answer, everyone knows in their own mind how many times did he/she read the full ~1000 page budget laws most countries have to pass each year, all the treaties, everyone knows almost nobody reads that, even the puppet politicians. There you go.