They destroyed what Cowboy Bebop made Cowboy Bebop.
Heavy spoilers.
The added modifications. Vicious is made an idiot, the added plot line is college level humor. Americanization is indeed atrocious, don't touch what ain't yours, it has came from Japanese culture and leave your problems outside of it, nobody asked for sexualization of characters.
Acting does not fit the role, it is flawed. Spike nor Faye is like portrayed. It is like old, tame Spike versus the oddball street kid, that's always hungry, his knack for fetching things is completely lost, I can excuse lack of cigarette gulping, he's fast and gritty. Faye is made into a rude spoiled brat, there were zero lines about that in the original, she monetized her bombshell looks only, thing you can't do here really, but no badmouthing and stupid phrases.
Even the plot around the Data Dog Ein and the afro wearing villain is altered in a manner that turned out weak, dafuq the idea about killing dogs some drama about escaping, and then they decided to take Ein in? What? Taxes for dogs, that cost few wollongs in the original? The plot around Jet and her daughter. The last kidnaping arc, the super most stupid cringe around it. The plot was modified by a kinder garden aged child? Mexican soap operas have stronger content that this.
And WTF... did they really watch the anime? Ed is a Girl... ffs... you can't even do that right without introducing politics?
In plot they altered things, that lost the core idea, they didn't get paid, they flopped the job, someone gets killed and the heavy melancholy of death that surrounds, but leaving some sort of felling of content. The are no feelings in this, they butchered them. Spikes actor couldn't even portray correctly the feeling of hunger, it felt awkward, the all altered timeline also contributes to that.
Filming is basic, A B shoulder shots shots, rare pans, the stages outside CG are too boring, fight scenes are subpar, unsynced, slow, camera angles feel forced, the Image itself is color graded in kinda basic manner, and its always static, it should not be like that, the whole image lacks effects like wind, fog, sand, dampness, their clothes are always clean, it is a noir modern western, they kinda even missed that. They cut many things that actually matter, like the Indian fortune teller for example. Directing is is weak, yes... They even could not get right the fact that Vicious has never called Spike Fearless... did they watch it really?
I can commend only Jets role actor Mustafa outside the stupid plot line about the doll, and the only precise thing that actually is done right is Bounty Hunter Big Shot commercial, they somehow forgot to screw that too.
Everything they added sucks hard, and they have cut down very important bits from the original butchering the series for those who have watched the anime. You have to have talent to screw up something like this.