If anything, NVIDIA should now be more inspired to buy a new license and refine an ARM CPU design to mesh with their GPUs, and attempt to counter AMD in the portables market, which AMD is slowly but surely making in-roads into, what with the Steam Deck and next-gen AyaNeo portable, and their joint project with Samsung (which is a lead-in to phones, tablets, and Chromebooks). Create a next-gen Shield that leverages their GeForce Now streaming service as a partial counter to dedicated portable consoles, and maybe also give Nintendo some favors so that Nintendo stays with NVIDIA instead of shifting to say, a new semi-custom solution from AMD (a prime candidate given the Steam Deck) or Intel (whose Xe mobile parts aren't exactly slacking in early tests alongside the fact that Intel can better guarantee chip availability thanks to in-house fabs). Granted, NVIDIA has been more about the datacenter and corporate enterprises as of late, so even if they lost some share in the portables market, they're still going strong in the corporate world and desktop/laptop gaming world.
That said, with ARM going public, I wonder if SoftBank will still hold controlling stake, or if they're intending on fully relinquishing it via selling their shares as part of ARM going public. If they're looking to long-term, they could keep a controlling stake, while letting ARM still gain more investment from other parties, whether it's a stake from the UK and EU governments, or NVIDIA, or the CCP, or the USA, or other corporations with vested interest. Otherwise, it'll just be a free-for-all to see which group can buy enough shares to have controlling interest. While it's not quite a takeover, it will still lead to other parties having a say in what ARM should do.