This was originally being used to upmix stereo using various UAD DCH drivers, however it should also work on any other drivers, such as Microsoft, other brands or HDA based drivers.
First download '
Equaliser APO' (totally 100% free), and the latest drivers for your device. Now download my '
E-APO Stereo Upmixer' (link and files updated).
I have renamed my audio device outputs to 'Speakers' and 'SPDIF', and inputs to 'Microphone' and 'Stereo Mix' for improved identification.
View attachment 207110View attachment 207111
Install Equaliser APO, when installing you will be asked which APO method to use, try 'LFX/GFX' first, then restart, then try 'SFX/MFX' using the configurator.
如果您使用的是 AAF 或我的 DTS 驱动程序,请确保选择“SFX/MFX”而不是“LFX/GFX”,并且只选择预混音,没有后混音。
View attachment 207112View attachment 207113
解压缩我的包,然后将配置 .txt 文件(和 VFX 文件夹)剪切并移动到您的“Equaliser APO”配置目录:C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\Config。
现在打开“Equaliser APO”,然后选择你的输出,在我的例子中是“Speakers”和“SPDIF”,因为我之前重命名了它们。
View attachment 207114
现在您可以在模拟和数字上进行立体声上混了。Digital 将使用您选择的方法,如果已安装 (DDL-DTS)。
如果需要纯直接立体声并且不进行上混,请禁用 Equalizer APO 中的“上混器”选项。
View attachment 207115