I agree with some of you that accommodation is pretty crazy in the UK. Rent can be alright (it's OK in my area), but buying... Jesus Christ... I've been planning on saving up for a mortgage for years now, but looking at the rising prices, I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever own a home. Probably not by the looks of it.
As for taxes: having born in Hungary, I actually find the UK's tax system quite good. Poor people don't pay any, normal people pay 20%, rich people pay 40% on their incomes. VAT and the others are pretty much the same all across Europe. Hungary has only one tax band for everybody to make sure that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You also have several other things to pay, so in the end, you have maybe 55-60% of your gross salary in your pocket. This number is considerably higher in the UK for pretty much everybody (around 80-85% for me), which I think should be the norm all across Europe.
Also, there is no way a single person could ever dream about affording a living in Hungary, as renting a flat in most cities can cost as much as you earn in your job. I came to the UK alone, and saved up about £4,000 in my first six months due to being able to rent a room, which is not a possibility in Hungary. I basically passed my driving test and bought an 8 year-old convertible in my first year in the UK. Most people in Hungary can't afford something like this from a life's work.
As for the traffic: I agree with you guys. I normally work nights, but my boss asked me to cover on days for a couple weeks. It normally takes me 15-20 minutes to drive to work, but now it takes me nearly double that to drive home at 2 PM. I think the problem is that modern society wants both partners in a relationship to work. You basically can't have a family if only one of you is working full-time. Maternity leave is only 6 months in most workplaces as well, which is shockingly short.
My girlfriend and I maintain a kind of average lifestyle (renting a 2 bedroom flat, 1 vacation and 2-3 smaller trips per year, I own a car, and I buy a bunch of PC stuff from time to time), but we couldn't do the same if we had a child. We would both still have to work full-time just to afford food and rent. In my opinion, both parents working 8-hour shifts is not a life for a child, not to mention that I don't have time and energy to care for a little one after having worked 8 hours. I admire those who do, but I just don't. I'm lucky that my paternal instincts are pretty weak, I guess.