So...this is kind of fun. Reading through I get the people whining that this is an environmental travesty, those suggesting that they know undervolting performance results, and the people with enough member berries to make both Nvidiots and AMDelusionals have a pride festival.
It's actually quite fun.
That said, I'll offer the common sense situation. Right now, GPU miners are flooding the market with the 30xx and 60xx series cards. Both of which have significant inventories to work through, and despite their production volumes are still going strong with even recent refreshes. Great.
If the current gen cards offer 80% of the performance, and 60% of the price, with 60% of the power draw then why are you upgrading? That additional 20% in performance has a disproportionate increase in cost...because. Not ideal. Likewise, the AMDelusionals are claiming the next gen cards from their team are going to be better, and cure cancer. The same promises of every single generation of cards. That's not member' berries, it's no longer falling for the hype train.
I subscribe to neither AMD or Nvidia. I buy the most reasonable product for the price. Right now I can get a card that was used for half the price of a new one. Every day that number seems to be falling, and even the retailers are offering their token "sales" before the official markdowns of the cards as they try to cope with the bubble of demand evaporating. It's my hope that when the 40xx series rolls out AMD will cut costs, the 30xx series will be "old tech," and I can buy a 3070 for less than the cost of a new console. It'll likely drive years of dual monitor gaming, assuming that a 6800 isn't positioned better in the price to performance ratio. If it is, let's go AMD. Spending all of this energy concerning ourselves with rumors that evolve daily only serves to drive hype and tension for a new series of GPUs...from a company that lied about its dependency on miners. Neither AND nor Nvidia are maybe let's treat them like the profit driven entities they are. Let's buy whatever is best, divorced from irrational merits.
Alternatively, let's remember that Sega does what Nintendon't. That little cringe should let everyone know that the bifurcation of a group along idiotic lines doesn't lead to better leads to the "ugly sonic" logic that has driven Sega into the killed the Dreamcast. It gave us the WiiU...driven off of a tablet which couldn't be used to play the games separately (had to wait for the Switch there). If you don't get it, let me be the "old man" for a moment. Microsoft figured out the future of Xbox was as a rental outfit...not as a seller of consoles. Nintendo is in the midst of selling you the same game on three separate virtual consoles...which retails for $15 30 years after it came out. This is business....and when we lose sight of that we can be taken advantage of.