Well, regardless of how anyone views this incoming generation, I think we can all agree that the TDP of these GPUs are becoming a bit concerning. In two years from now, are we going to be staring at a 750w RTX 7060? It sure as hell looks that way right now. And I highly doubt that there will be significant improvements to Power Grids around the world, to handle such power draw. Also, there sure as hell won't be a decrease in our monthly bills, regardless!
As much as I'm all for competition between competitive companies, Nvidia, AMD, and Intel need to come to a sort of 'Gentleman's Agreement' (no slight to Lisa Su...for those that really care that much) to draw a line which shouldn't be crossed for power useage. It's all too easy to just say 'If you can't afford the bill, it wasn't made for you!', excusing the idea that there is such a thing as a trickledown effect with GPU performance. This is a matter of efficiency, or the lack of practical application thereof. Lovelace is currently rumored to make Turing seem like a watt sipping lettuce-nibbling puritan. Something has to change soon...
Every subsequent generation seems to be increasing the TDP, all in the name of greater performance numbers, and not necessarily for what we see in front of us on the monitor. This is not far off from what we saw between Pascal and Turing, denoting NVIDIA's struggle to overcome the 1080ti. Of course, this is just one person's thoughts on the matter, not gospel for all.