You are very welcome, currently I am using an Asus Prime X570 Pro (latest bios), and have all security features enabled, UEFI only and set to Windows only, no issues installing the certificate.
That's an AMD platform right? May be different Intel side. Anyway I'm not discarding anything so I can be wrong and just not having the full picture.
Anyway regardless, you are very welcome, here to help (and bring you high audio quality).
You certainly did both mate. You did.
Edit: Thought I've posted this but gracefully awaited for me in edit. So ...
I just clean installed Windows. The latest public release. Same security stuff. Yeahp, driver certificate install is blocked by default.
In other news, I've cleaned dust from my DVD writer and seems ... ok, take a look:
That's my mobo's DVD stuff. I'm assuming "600" refers to Intel's 600 series chipset. Like my h610.
And this is the sub-folder content
Could I aim at natively enable DTS? Tried running installer . First time it took its time to install the driver and then a UWP app. Apparently it succeeded ( no errors en event viewer has no record of failed install process) but there is no UWP app present ( btw it is supposed to install Ultra ) and no change on system device name. Tried with HD Audio. Then later after installed Realtek driver ( from DVD too ) . That second time, seems to have failed. Driver install console open and UWP install kinda console open but closes immediately ( or maybe it just find record of already installed this stuff)
So, before attempting at screwing up, I wonder if there is a way to correctly install this using the given files and more important, monitoring the install process .
Maybe I should start a new thread also, and avoid hijacking this