Recomended antivirus and some malwerscan--
All the drivers you find here are otherwise downloaded from original sites like Asus, Gigabyte and so on. Some, let me call them "modders" if I may, have modified them to work on non-native chips, some of them work fairly and some don't. So now you decide which one you will take over.
I'll uninstall them with BCUninstaller and use BitDefender + Malwarebytes to get rid of any trace of it.
My original sound drivers are good enough for listening to music and whatnot, but I wanted access to third party softwares like Sound Blaster Connect and Nahimic to use with games.
I tried using AAF's modded drivers since I used them on my old PC but unfortunately removing the original sound drivers ruins the base sound quality, so I tried going for this one as I wouldn't have to remove the original drivers.
UPDATE: Removed all the installation files and drivers with BCUninstaller and DriverStoreExplorer. Deleted the GPU drivers as well with DDU for good measure.
Scanned the device with Malwarebytes, BitDefender and Comodo Internet Security (which I used to check if anything suspicious was connecting to my PC) and they found nothing.
I suppose I'm safe I guess.