I've had a 32 inch TV to game on for years, and I always went couch gaming on it. Never worked out well in a desktop setting. Its too much diagonal. I played WoW on it for a while too, always found myself in some ultra unhealthy, keyboard on-lap and mouse on some plateau next to me couch seating to make it work, and at a distance of more than 1~1,5m.
The interesting part here is that if you still want more real estate in desktop setting/arm's length view distance, ultrawide is the way to get it without increasing the absolute height compared to a 27 inch 1440p. Ultrawide really is just that: wider. Not higher.
The extra height is what's killing comfort on 32 inch 16:9 at short distance; your eyes aren't on top of one another.
Also, the games that 'are not supporting UW' are extremely rare, and if you have an OLED or VA, simple fix: dial back to 2560x1440 and have black bars in peripheral sight, which quickly goes unnoticed because black isn't greyish (like it is on IPS, plus glow - IPS UW I would not choose at all). I'm actually positively surprised overall by the support for UW: even old (DX9~11) content tends to just scale up fine to that res without stretching everything out, except for resolution-fixed text and UI elements, and only ever so rarely. Anything rendered just renders as it always did, except now with much wider viewport. Its absolutely glorious in isometric camera games, as well as first person, 'hitting offscreen' in ARPGs etc. 16:9 screens, even at 4K, won't get that despite rendering more pixels
Also in terms of support, the games that can scale a UI up to 150 or 200% are very rare, but a 125% UI scaling is much more common, which helps out in games that really aren't built for anything over 1080p or even lower with very small UI elements. I would even dare say the 4K support is lower than the UW 1440p support in that regard/terms of usability. Of course, you can run 1080p at 4K to compensate, but that's kind of eliminating the 4K res-purpose too IMHO.
Additionally, productivity wise, you have effectively 2x 1440p height in one screen. 4K 16:9 can't achieve that, if you split in half, you're missing width.
But I was very positively surprised by the advantages of UW over 16:9, and there aren't really drawbacks unless you just can't find the right panel to begin with in UW offerings. Also, VA + curve + UW is a real match made in heaven, if budget is an object wrt OLED. 400~500 bucks gets you very decent UW's - not perfect ones like an OLED version would be though
Lol. I went from Alienware monitor to that Aurora case and then I discovered GN's coverage on it.
I'm no longer touching this brand, ever. Disgusting company. I don't even care how great QD OLED can become, if they release it, no buy.