That's a week's worth of good eating you have in your hands!
yeah... we dont do that here

I mean there
are those that do. But they arent '
from here' - if you get what im saying (trying not to be too political about it

15 pounds is a nice size, the biggest I caught was about 10 years ago on the River Severn near me and that was 15.2 and that was on a small spoon spinner, I chase Carp these days though.
rivers/canals around me are super tough. Polluted waterways, people taking fish for the pot, C&RT handing out boat permits to every tom dick and harry...
Theres not a whole lot of pike to be had but there has been a resurgence of big river/canal carp (and bream) here but im not so sure how long it will last with all the removals going on.
I know its different for folks up north. Some of youtubers i watch are from places like birmingham, yorkshire, newcastle etc etc and they have had absolutely no problems pulling pike out of their rivers within a matter of minutes. Here its virtually impossible due to London being the way it is.
I used to chase carp myself. I did for around 10 years but its not really my idea of fun anymore. I wont even dead bait for pike. Being glued to one spot while waiting for a bite is no fun
The pike i caught was caught at a private fishery im currently guesting at. I became famous as the only twat willing to walking around the lake with a spinning setup while everyone else was laying back in their chairs, cracking open many beers, spodding their entire months grocery shop into the water and waiting for the fish. (and now im also famous for being a random bloke that caught a one of these mythical pike) - can you tell why i dont carp fish?
hardly anyone goes after the pike or the perch.