There U.S. government should have made it a stipulation of the Chips Act that any company receiving money could not layoff employees for a period of far as I can recall, Senator Bernie Sanders was the only member of Congress who championed conditions for the money, which only makes sense. We all know it was never going to happen though, the government only seems to have conditions and means testing when it's working class people who need help, when businesses get money, it's a blank check with no conditions.....we know the old refrain, socialism for the rich and corporations, free market capitalism for the poor and working class.
One of the most egregious things in all of this is when Gelsinger was speaking before congress, he was basically extorting the taxpayers with threats that if Intel doesn't get this blank check from the taxpayers, Intel will build the fab somewhere else...obviously the part that isn't being said is that it's attempted extortion based upon a threat of retaliation....if congress had any morals or spine, they would have responded to that threat by saying, "If Intel DOESN'T build that fab in America, the IRS is going to go through Intel's Financials with a fine toothed comb and make sure that every penny of taxes owed to the government is accounted for and that any subsidies or tax breaks Intel already receives will be rescinded immediately"....