That is a few billionths of a second; a CPU can't go from "cool to overheated" on that time scale.
Zen3 runs on the 1ms scale, so they can go from max power to idle in that time, 1/1000th of a second.
Sorry about taking the thread OT, but that jellyfish thing looks awesome @Mussels
Birthday present, it is in fact awesome. I modded it to run off USB power instead of 3xAA.
It's one of those things that cameras have issue seeing the same way the human eye does, but they dance around and the bubbles (literally detergent) catch the RGB lights
You always want more fans in than out, or if not possible more airflow via setting the fan speeds
I tried a rear intake into my top radiator to see if it would help, and it simply clogged its dust filter in about 48 hours - and then started sucking dust around the filter in all the gaps and cracks and clogged the rad too
You simply want air in, air out in a straight as line as possible, as close to the hot components as possible (Through their heatsinks, preferably)
Having air in/out in multiple locations with obstructions just leads to eddies, whirlpools and dead spots. You can visualise it like how water works because airs technically a fluid too - imagine a hose in a bathtub, get it going down the drain directlyand its gone, but get it splashing to the side and you get a whirlpool happening that while it still leaves,
it takes longer
There is always exceptions, or times it matters only the tiniest amount - but dust is always a long term problem for everyone, and parts are only getting higher wattage so it's critical people adjust their thinking