I was looking at the Dell 25" gamer, with 3.2 USBs, and an LED underscreen, but they went OOS (Limited Quantity sale) before I could make up my mind. Decided on this one as a second choice, wanted to hurry before they went OOS on me as well, and maybe get it in by Friday (which it managed to make it), and then on Friday, Dell magically discovered more of their 25"s.... *sigh* \
I will say, setup was smooth, but I would absolutely give up the Backlight off the stand for an LED under front.. I'm actually considering an adhesive mirror panel to put back there to reflect the light where I want it (*edit: LOL LOL I spend too much time on Twitch..)
edit: after giving it a quick once around the block on the web, I have to say, it really is sharper than I expected....