Yesterday, Epic Game Store put Death Stranding Director's Cut up as the free game. The store artwork was very clear that this was the Director's Cut. A couple of hours later they switched to the original version plus the add-ons. That's what many people here received.
I went to the store shortly after it went live but the store's connectivity problems prevents me from adding the DC version to my library so I ended up with the original version a couple of hours later. I tried the EGS desktop client on two PCs as well as the web browser on several systems (including my iPad) and all of them experienced connectivity problems yesterday morning.
My guess was that EGS mistakenly put the DC version up and in the chaos of its Christmas morning store fumbling took the opportunity to switch to the original version + add-ons.
Pity, I would have preferred the DC version as I already have the original version on Steam. Oh well...