Well if we look past fanboyism its nice that he did a shout out - better safe than sorry and his actions deserve better praise than calling it clickbait - I would recommend him any day.
One thing that could be sound advice based on the latest upgrade is when you by a GPU let it come up to room temps before installing it and if theres high humidity make sure its dried out
If he had asked the necessary questions right from the start and did more research before posting a video that - in the end - did turn out as being completely wrong, I would have agreed.
Now the first video can be seen either as a good example of what chaos influencers can create or even how fake news are created and how they get spread. Just take this thread with almost 200 replies on a topic that should have been titled: "Don't buy cheap mining cards", "Caution when buying used hardware" or even "Don't put hardware under extreme temperature stress!" instead of what it is.
In my opinion he seems to be quite competent in what he does normaly - repairing graphic cards - but he's a bad journalist and I stay with my opinion that he wanted to and did create attention with his first click-baity video. The - you could call it harsh - criticism is well deserved.
PS: This did even spread to JTC covering the topic - which has a much larger audience. This did cause to much damage, just because someone did not finish digging before releasing his findings.
Edit: I have to admit to having been quite harsh on this topic and I still believe the criticism towards KrisFix and you the OP was/is deserved but on the other hand criticism should also be constructive so I want to finish this topic by giving some advice how to handle electronic/electric devices in cold regions/seasons: Let just delivered parts rest for at least a few hours at room temperature before putting them to use. This will give the parts the time they need to acclimatize and for dew/condensate to vanish.