Why it is so hard?
Jumped in the middle of 4 wolves and I'm dead with 2 bites. What the hell
Not enjoyable at all. Died a million times. what the hell it is
How can you like it? the enemies are big as cow and they don't die
Is there a cheat code to make myself undieable (immortal)?
This game gives me more stress that life does.
Ohhh it can sure be frustrating. Elden Ring is a game that made Dark Souls veterans cry that the boss fights were the worst of the series, just impossible without summons, so on... so you're not alone. Personally, I think it's extremely rewarding once you get a feel for it. Every weapon type has a different moveset, different reach and other characteristics. They all feel and play differently. Some have unique special moves. The rest allow you to put new special moves on, and many of them are extremely powerful. Once you get comfortable with the combat system, you have tons of freedom when it comes to how you approach things, to the point where you basically don't have to white knuckle things at all to beat the game, smack bosses health bars down 20% each time you hit them with good gear and good stats. The world itself is packed full of interesting details with cool architecture, creatures, and biomes - the game is a masterclass in environmental storytelling. That is where you're gonna see Martin's influence - he basically drew up the 'rules' for the story of the world. It's one of those where the more you dig and try to read into things, the more it becomes this rich, living world with deep history.
With Elden Ring, your vigor stat is crap from the jump, to the point where you gotta start by putting at least like 20 levels in that. You'll want like 4-5 extra in endurance minimum, too. Until then, just take the fights slow. If 2 or more enemies are converging on you with attacks, don't even try. Dodge around until you can isolate one, prepare for their attack, dodge, and counter with your own. It DOES take a little practice to get a feel for the pacing. It doesn't help that many enemies will push through your attacks and nail you. So you really have to look for the windows and be ready - the best moment to attack is typically as an enemy is finishing one that you have dodged. Once you get into doing that, you'll be rackin and stackin hoards of the fellas automatically.
The big thing that I think throws the most people off is how your moves go off. Everything has some kind of 'set-up' period of animation spent where you cannot cancel. If you press a button to do something like roll, the roll will not go, but will queue up and and only begin the moment the attack animation finishes, when the very 1st idle frame comes. So often, you may try to dodge and the timing is weird, or it flat out doesn't happen. The queuing is why. Just another thing you have to get a feel for. You can use it to your advantage, too! For instance... say you know you only BARELY have time to stick one heavy attack before the enemy will hit you. You'd want to hit the button for the desired attack and then as soon as the attack animation begins, go ahead a press the roll button. You'll be out of that situation as soon as absolutely possible. You can also do things like roll, and then during the roll, press jump and have your character shoot up in the air coming off the roll, at which point you can press your heavy attack key for a strong jump attack. You can also queue any attack mid-roll to have the roll end with a roll attack. So maybe you do a quick roll back as that wolf lunges you, press light attack to throw a quick swipe back as your roll is finishing. Any kind of button mashing will lead to constant dying. Planning your moves moment by moment is very useful for gaining control.
There are lots of ways to approach different enemies. Nobody sits down actively memorizing them. Maybe some boss combos. But generally, I think people just work out a style that works for them as they go.
Also, DON'T get nervous and constantly try to avoid when enemies are coming straight at you with attacks - roll into their attacks and place yourself behind them so they won't have time to respond to the follow-up attack. A lot of enemies actually give you more time than it seems with attacks - they like to make you try to roll too early so they catch you over an over again. The biggest thing you CANNOT do is try to hit buttons really fast to try and get ahead of a chaotic situation. Elden Ring is more a game of knowing when NOT to press buttons sometimes. Again... that whole queuing thing will screw you the moment you queue two rolls and that second roll puts you right in the enemy's wind-up, or you queue an attack mid-roll, before seeing what the enemy is about to do next (remember, a lot of enemy attacks will cancel YOURS and they will just hit you full-on while your attack fails.) All you can do at that point is watch it happen.
If an enemy is big and doesn't take much damage, you aren't strong enough to fight it yet. You need to upgrade your weapon with smithing stones. Giant trolls, you want to stay near their feet and hit them with your heaviest attacks. Try two-handing your weapon and stick as many jump attacks as you can without getting greedy. Much more damage, and most importantly stagger with the heavy 2h attacks. Hit colossal enemies hard enough, enough times, consistently, and they will eventually be stance broken... they will fall and some part of them will glow orange. For the trolls, it's an eye. Walk up to that and press the light attack button to initiate a crit/garrote, which is a fancy animation-locked move that takes massive chunks of the health bar. The general rule with any kind of colossal enemy is to stay riggghhhttt up on em and wap em wherever you can hit, use the invincibility of the roll to stay out of their attacks.
I feel combat is actually kind of harder in the beginning because you have no HP and weak weapons. But honestly, I think if you take the starting regions slowly and focus on gaining HP, you'll probably be fine. Do yourself a favor and look up an OP build guide. Once you get the horse, you can cheese your way into stuff that can sort of trivialize early and mid game. There's a popular way to get runes that you can do at level 1, and all of the runes gained will take you over level 30. You could do that and go back to the starting area with the ability to take a lot more hits. You can skip ahead to almost anywhere in the game, just keep riding past enemies. This can grant you access to lots of good stuff. Also, whatever is going on, there is NO SHAME in calling your horse and dipping outta there. You get some invincibility while getting on the horse to help you out. Use it to evade the woooves!
My personal advice is to try a Moonveil build, as you can start pretty early with it. Plenty of youtube guides on that one. The Moonveil katana is a very strong magic katana with a killer special move that will carry you through tons of stuff, make waste of lots of bosses and decimate normal mobs. You also get to use sorcery with that build, which gives you some SERIOUS, hunka-chunka ranged dominance. It's definitely the more relaxed way to play. You can get stupid damage as a mage, and there are still plenty of melee options that scale with intelligence. If you want a good melee-only option, you can get the Bloodhound's Fang right in Limgrave, and it has a one of a kind move with a teleporting combo chain that not only does really big damage, but gets you out of all kinds of otherwise difficult situation like it is nothing. You'll find lots of guides on how to get set up with that and use it. It is perhaps one of the strongest and easiest to use melee weapons in the game. Two hand it and smack the crap out of everything.
Another option would be sword and board. Get yourself a good shield and try dodge-countering. Just hold your shield up and when the enemy strikes it, you can do a dodge counter by pressing a regular attack button at the same time. Just beware that heavy attacks to your shield will break your stance and leave you open to big damage when your shield flies back. Even regular attacks will break your guard eventually, and every time you block, it eats stamina. Most shields also come with the parry ability. Your special move will allow you to throw a parry, which if timed right, will let you stab your opponent right in the gut. It is pretty tricky to time, but you can even use this on bosses. Dodge all but the last move in a melee combo, parry the last, and take lots of HP away from them.
That's about the best advice I can come up with right now. The game definitely is not for everyone all of the time. There is a learning curve and it isn't very forgiving of mistakes. But it also feels really good and even straight up epic when you can get through fights with style. And I think anyone can do that. People without the use of their hands have beaten Elden Ring. I'll tell you this. If you ever decide to give it a go again and hit a wall, just say what you're struggling with. I will do what I can to help you figure out what's keeping you stuck.