There is no 5900XT though?

I don't think Zen 4 is something anyone who owns a strong Zen 3-generation Ryzen 9 should be concerned with purchasing, especially if they have an eye for value.
Fire memes aside (my previous post in this thread was obvious humor if someone actually thought I was calling them for being incendiary, please disregard), these chips are great, but very much something only people on earlier generation CPUs or on an Intel 10th or earlier generation should be considering IMHO. Even then it competes with socket AM4, since you can drop a now cheap 5900/5900X/5950X or 5800X3D, purchase what is now very inexpensive DDR4 and experience masterclass performance without replacing anything, so this is basically for someone who has a very bad AM4 board or an earlier Intel chip, way I see it.
Yea I goofed

You are right... 5900Xt supposed to be 5900X, Got that mixed up with my 5700XT
But The point stands. I am not upgrading my rig that will cost me $200+more dollars to get roughly the same performance.
This is wrong in every aspect and secondly there are hundreds of thousands of people that have bought the 5000 series that are in the same situation that I am in.
Finally I have been proven correct once again concerning the shoddy quality coming from AMD and tech in General.
EVERYONE in the Tech industry is cutting corners to make maximum profit.
ASUS It used to be "The Premier company". It's now completely GARBAGE. I had problems with them going as far as 13 years ago. They have only gotten worse. IMHO don't BUY their products at all.
Ngreedia.. Currently with the god damn low quality 4070 Video Cards. 1/2 PCB size of a Standard GPU board with lower quality components being sold AT stupid prices. This is a $399.00 video card AT best considering all of the cost cutting measures being done on it.. NOT a $600+ dollar card. I can go on about the current quality of this and the 3000 series of Video Cards but I think people get the point. You are buying a polished TURD
It's nice...
It's shiny...
But it is still a effing TURD.
AMD... We can now stop with the effing praised of that that company that has lobotomized innovation and quality for the sake of being like Ngreedia.
1. The AMD tax on the motherboards. This is ABSOLUTE BS. Essentially double the price for substandard performance.
2. The 7000 series of CPU's. What the hell is wrong with them. Besides causing fire, high wattage, high heat and overall subpar performance for what you purchase. Again my 5900OEM, running as good if not better than a standard 5900X (PBA -30) (heh got it right now) @ lower Temps. I don't want a damned heater/ microwave combination during the hot summer months.
3. AMD and the Infinity fabric. Come on man this is now close to a decade old concept that was great when it came out in Gen 1 Ryzens. But in reality this is ONLY cost cutting move to get more usable components out of the silicon wafers. I have no issue with that except you WILL have latency issues. You just can not go around this aspect.
It is MHO that one of the reasons why AMD's decision for the 7000 series family and beyond is planned obsolescence to try to force their customer base into a new technological ecosystem. And that opinion will not change.
Because I've been dealing with mind set of people that are like those coming from Silicon Valley for 46 long years.
I just know the games that corporations and people play.
Like Mr. Brian Krzanich... Former CEO of Intel and what cause him to resign. Yup... I know that mindset as well.
Which is why I do NOT like Dr. Lisa Su. She is no innovator. She is your standard cookie cutter CEO.
In this case just give her a leather jacket and with Jenson and watch them activate WONDER TWIN POWERS OF CONSUMERISM!!!