You don't & I won't advocate upgrading every gen either but you don't have the ability to upgrade as often on the same socket as AMD which is a big net negative! Why do you need to change boards so often when you have virtually the same platform, memory & PCIe gen ~ going from say Intel 6xxx gen to 11th gen? The answer is you didn't, there was no technical reason, okay 1 forced upgrade was fine but we didn't need 3-4 except for greed. The same goes for 12th gen to 14th, you also shouldn't need to upgrade if you're moving to gen 15 because it's the same memory(ddr5) & PCIe gen (5.0) but that's likely not gonna happen!
I bought the motherboard on June 7, 2022. It entered its second year.
Why would I change it now?
Why would I change the processor (12500)?
You always cling to extremes. Most people don't buy i9/r9 initially, but they can upgrade years later to them at a much lower price.
8600K in 2018 at ~$225
9900K in 2023 for under $200 (SH). I think you can find it for around $150 if you insist on keeping a motherboard with an expired life expectancy.
But you can keep that base plate as long as you want.
Do I really need to remind you what mess AMD made with processors and compatibility on AM4? Those who wanted Ryzen 5000 at launch (very expensive) had to upgrade their motherboard as well, because the old models received compatibility a year later, and not from AMD but from the manufacturers.