A ps2 gestion for you as you are a PS2 buff

Is a 8 mb enough for Free McBoot?
SuperSmashMedia® - Free McBoot FMCB 1.966 PS2 Memory Card 64MB (For Sony PlayStation 2 & PS2 £10 .I was going get the the
Kaic it is on AMAZON FOR £10 on offer when i went to buy it it came up the postage was 4.99 so that isout.
TheSuperSmash one has everything the Kaic has.The SuperSmash one also has a 8mb one for £1 less thats why i was asking if 8mb was enough.
SuperSmashMedia's Free McBoot PlayStation 2 memory card is your go to product for all serious gamers.
We Install the latest and most reliable McBoot installation for you.
Its Plug and Play!
Multi-Region compatibility, means our installation will work worldwide.
Pre-Installed with the best applications: uLaunchELF, ESR, OPL, HD LOADER, SNES STATION, CODEBREAKER, SMS and More!
SuperSmashMedia's McBoot PlayStation 2 memory cards are compatible with both the original PS2 (PlayStation 2) and the PS2 Slim console. [Excludes SCPH-9xxxxx models]
Our memory card comes ready with MagicGate data encryption technology and is up to 200 times faster than an original memory card due to high quality components and memory chips.
Trust us. All SuperSmashMedia products come with one year replacement warranty.
Does one you can down load have the SNES STATION, CODEBREAKER, SMS and More! plus the magic gate.

The Kicko one is nicely packaged with a booklet.but for another fiver it is to much..