This include the others too ?, That's pretty lame. Like there be a reason to pick other races and now there is no reason, that's no improvement.
Same ol BS.
Yeah I was so-so on that as well. There are still reasons though, Half Orcs get 3x melee critical hit damage for example instead of x2, so they still nudge towards certain classes. On the one hand its nice to be able to go Drow Barbarian with 17 starting strength but on the other... Drow don't feel special anymore. Although I think looking at the racial skillset they still are the best one

Im also missing alignments, and alignments in tandem with class specializations / choices, but then 5e cut out a lot of that too. Other character creation stuff is torn apart too, like gender choice (now 'Identity'... lol) and body types and voice sets are completely free, so you can get pretty bizarre stuff going on... most of which is just straight up hilarious, or silly. I don't quite like it, but I guess the SJW squads can stay at home this way. And I don't have to go there if I don't want to, so mkay. Still, changing male to female and watching no boobs get shown on the model (it remains the exact same) was.. ehh. Awkward is probably the word, closely followed by 'omfg'
Still the overall idea seems to have been to really open up what you can build, as little restrictions as possible, both mechanically as visually.
I went for a Tiefling Monk
Flurry of Blows is OP, at least early on. I can basic attack, and Flurry of Blows as a bonus action for 2 extra hits so that is like 3x the attack power of any other melee

Combat is nice overall though, the UI works well and you can quickly find any skill you have in your arsenal, and it is pretty true to tabletop, with some tweaks here and there. Its not tedious either, this trait has been copied over successfully from DOS at least. Also surfaces are a thing, just not quite like they are in DOS, and the adventuring has pretty amazing depth, lots of things you can do and skills you can use to progress and find secrets.
But apart from that... can we appreciate the small fact this game is actually playable without any issues at release? Damn son.
Performance is good. 90-144 FPS @ ultra. Graphically... sometimes it feels like you're back in 2018, other times you're amazed at the awesome scenery. Its mostly the art/design of areas itself that makes the difference. Graphically this is DOS2 with some minor touch ups. And that's not really criticism either, it looks 'fine'.
DL DSR +DLSS quality looks insane in this game.
Can you post a screenshot?