But that won't help to circumvent the BIOS signature?
It won't.
But its the same situation in white (red)
It allows you to crossflash bioses of other Vendors
And allows you to flash your edits, IF they don't break RSA or checksums. Gop updates for example.
It doesn't require you to boot to linux and use an older version with -F toggle. Linux contributions always were sparce.
User can decide to preserve or flash away the memory strap.
But AMD™ , decided to act fast and deny the ability of bios mods + employ the people who figure most of it out.
Its a long story here too, but at the end (today) our modded cards are unbanned and everything is back to normal.
Unfortunately on AMD, it is a whitelist system. I can downgrade (and full rebrand) a higher SKU to a lower and i can flash mods between them
Yet it doesn't work upwards, due to purposely placed limiters inside SMU.
But if those changes break cert , then the card will not boot up. The utility will flash it tho.
Soo i would use it for flashing different shared techpowerup bioses.
For example it's common that people try to flash LC XTXH or KXTX Bioses onto XTXH cards, for unlocking memory. (memory unlock for XTX doesn't function, SMU issue)
I've also shared how to adapt AVFS curve, to match between both Navi21 SKUs. In case you decide to run a KXTX Bios on an XTXH or XTX Navi21.
Its not limited to Navi21 but ~ having to not use an SPI flasher and knowing SPI is never a full flash.
Plus not having to run linux for every little thing you want to do.
I think while setting the foundation for Nvidia, might as well do that equally for AMD.

Community then can figure out the rest, what to do with the tools.
With AMD i'm long time done ~ but RDNA3 and their flashtools got a rewrite.
Seeing a nice Lookup GUI like here
Might as well~
While we have started the trend.
If he doesn't want, i'll publish it on another day
~ either when AMD again misbehaves to consumer, or when i can partner it with a bigger project.
Because it alone, is kind of ... boring.

Currently no existing problem, to publish a fix for.
Accepted, just need time to implement. If you have documentation on those tables, would be cool if you could share in private
Can do, not today but can do once i'm done
Working on a ROM-Layout whitepaper - so Editor/Viewer can be finally made.
Can't share more than already did on
https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/...da-lovelace-v5-780.312601/page-9#post-5089134 (picture)
Because they are not my own findings.