Lets take it easy on the this and that. Instead lets keep on topic and feel free to share experiences.
I personally have thought this for awhile but now have a moment to jot it down. As someone that has a 4090 I try to approach all these things rationally and I would like to validate some points that ties in with my previous tongue in cheek post.
For certain. The ARC launch was a disaster. This has many sides, such as the belief that Intel driver teams are just terrible, but I dont think thats the case and leads me into my main point.
It is important to look at trending. And the user experience. Unfortunetely these are not mutually exclusive. Which is why people hold there opinions for so long even if they are wrong.
Look at tech sites. The cadence currently is every few months. This is great. It shows that from say Jan to April ARC performance went up. But they sometimes avg this. Then you get things like "10%" in a 4 months span.
This is disingenuous. The ARC driver team is cranking them out. Look at the FW matrix. In some cases they are 2 to 4 days apart. Less then a week between releases. For the ARC user, these drivers provide something that is missed in overarching 4-6month "rebenches".
In some cases a single driver release is improving games dramatically. From not playable to playable, or providing improvements like 30fps to 67fps now type of scenarios. Alllll the way to bugs, like it crashes randomly, to now it doesnt crash at all.
Big rebenches dont cover this and the averaging of performance uplifts further dilute the amount of progress actually being done. While the general message is nice "performance is improving" it fails to cover the actual significant (and for the gamer relevant) milestones.
So its important to keep in mind when judging ARC you should atleast while its in its infancy try to look at the micro not macro information as well.
Back on topic. My experience has been great. I am frequently as I am sure you have seen working with these cards, in either development or gaming and the changes and improvements are SIGNIFICANT. I will echo my previous post in that if you dont think ARC a worthy buy you are misinformed.
As for OP and if you should get an A770 instead. well I will always vote for the 770 personally.