Game is not very mature. Dev pushes signing up for their special "Club" EVERY TIME YOU OPEN THE GAME!!!!! until you do and it just loads. MP has routinely been a mess and again, forced on you (though possible to opt out of (sometimes, after some updates)). See below for more on that. Otherwise the game works but is lacking full graphical development that will come over years.
As mentioned previously, large interesting update coming next week adding considerable features. It arrives the same day as a new map that may or may not excite. One of the most cried over fixes should be MP time changes. Get into a server - time changes. Lose it a few minutes later and get into another - time changes. Because of complaints about this daytime currently lasts like 4 IRL hours and night lasts 15 minutes or some nonsense. Enough fish only bite at night to be kinda
Since I'm already typing this - If you like the game you will like the
Norway map. If you really like that map, rod/reel DLC (effectively best mid-range gear) start to make sense. One last note, do the side missions climbing mountains (etc. non-fishing related) and drive jeeps off cliffs getting places. A specific design criteria upheld thus far was it is impossible to wreck a vehicle but you can get it stuck.