So, as the title says... also it doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time... making it unusable. This is one of my favorite mice because it fits my hand perfectly. Is it possible some crud just got built up under the left clicker? Could I possibly use a toothpick to try and clean under the left click area? Any advice welcome.
edit: this is mouse is about 5-6 years old... its my go to so it has seen a lot of us. I guess its just normal for mice to fail after certain amount of time?
The Kova is the only mouse my wife and I will accept. We own 14 of them, 12 broke over time, all with button issues. I recently fixed 10 of them with the method below!
The issues were double-clicking buttons and non-functional or unreliable middle mouse buttons.
You need to open the thing for the middle mouse button, but no soldering required. What you'd need though is an electric washing solution and contact spray. That's both non-conductive of course, so don't worry. You'll get it online for cheap, Amazon for example.
In all cases when you reached the button's click thingie, you want to soak its base and the clicker itself in both liquids and wriggle and click it around a bit so the liquids can do their magic. The button should just work again... Just like that.
For the left or right mouse buttons, all you need to do to get to the clicker, is to lift the button's cover, by grabbing it carefully at the front and pull it upwards. You'll see the clicker underneath.
For the middle mouse button, you can try your like and spray blindly into the wheel's opening (the clicker sits on the right side directly next to it), but you will most likely have to open the thing. The Kova comes with 6 well-hidden screws. 4 under it's front and back feet, which you'd need to carefully remove and two more at the front, under the sticker thingie, left and right where the cable comes out (those fu**ers). After all screws are out you can just remove the cover. There's a cable attaching the bottom to the upper part, but it's long enough to just keep it attached. It's just a plug you can pull out though if it's annoying you.
There, that's it! Hope it helps! As I said, 10 out of 12 for us...
(What I actually want is a mouse with the Kova layout but in better quality... It shouldn't have those issues that quickly...)
Got the idea from this video: