You enabled +1 TVB overclock profile. So it's boosting 5.7ghz as requested. I don't see anything wrong with it??
The test is in the middle of a stress test or all core benchmark what all core frequencies are at. 5.7ghz single/dual core boosts aren't what you are really after.
Setting 56-56-55-55-54-54-53-53 P-cores, during a full load, you will only run the max speed of the lowest set cores, 5.3ghz all core loads.
You'd be better off aiming for 5.4ghz all core instead. LLC lvl 4 honestly.
Right, so which boot is it, if it's an i7 and doesn't support TVB? That is what Asus is calling it on this screen. There's nothing wrong here, I'm actually quite happy with how it's set up now. But I come in to a forum and tell everyone it's enabled, and I get called out because I don't have an i9. Which is okay, I was incorrect, and all of you helped me out with that.
One thing that might not be clear here, though, and I apologize for confusing anyone: the CPU is NOT hitting 5.7 all-core. All of the P-cores reach 5.7 eventually individually, which is what HWiNFO is showing. My current all core is 5.3. On occasion during something like a stress test or R23 run, you see a P-core briefly jump to 5.4, but it never stays there very long. I had just let it run for a little while before the screen capture to show that all of the p-cores would reach it eventually.
I'm not able to reach 5.4 all core with this i7 -- well, I can, but it doesn't pass stability testing to my liking. It would be one of those situations that would be called "game stable", but it would fail either y-cruncher component stability or throw errors in OCCT CPU+RAM, I can't recall for certain which one now. 5.3 all core passes everything 100%.
I am at LLC4, also, by the way.
The microcode is to protect your CPU, sure you want to go back?
I might try it again at some point just to make sure I didn't goof something up. But as stated in the first post, I lost two bins on the P-cores and had temperatures increase with 0x12B, and y-cruncher Pi failed with a coefficient error the first time I ran it. This was with the BIOS settings I have been using for well over a year now, which all work fine with 0x125 and 0x129. I really don't want to have to go through the lengthy process of dialing in and stress/stability testing new settings that would just end up slower.
I had 1-2 P-cores set for x56, and none of them would go over x55 at all. It was like a -1 "boost", -2 if you include the "TVB" that no longer worked.
The CPU is two years old now, and showing absolutely no signs of degradation.
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