dlss and frame generator are important
The question is, do you really want to depend on that stuff. The support won't be everywhere for it. It isn't today either, heck its missing from the overwhelming majority of games! It gets added to new releases, true. And I can tell you if you need FG because your CPU is not fast enough otherwise, the game will STILL play like absolute shit because the latency is still there.
If you play on a 4070ti you're pretty much in high end territory - get a high end CPU to match that. Its really the only and best advice I can give you. CPUs last for a long time, the initial expense will pay itself back thrice over. My last good gaming CPU was an 8700K - I had 6 years of fun with it, and it can still go along fine, but limits the GPUs of today too much. That's exactly what you will run into if you upgrade from your 4070ti to something faster - you'll be upgrading your platform
In other words, not getting a solid gaming CPU on a solid gaming system, is penny wise pound foolish.
It all depends on your disposable income, really.
True, but then its really a better choice to save up just a little more. Such patience really does get rewarded.