Your screenshot shows that both MSR turbo power limits are set to 36. You cannot get maximum speed from a 9750H when the power limits are set so low. Your CPU is also going over the 94°C thermal throttling temperature. Thermal throttling slows the CPU down to prevent any damage.
Your previous screenshots that were deleted show you reduced the turbo ratios to 26 and the power limits to 24. That will slow down a 9750HF.
You will need to increase the power limits and fix the cooling problem so you can run your CPU at its full Intel rated speed.
I don't understand why I have a maximum of 3.4ghz
Your settings are telling the CPU to run slow. It is doing what you are telling it to do.
core isolation memory integrity
You appear to be using Windows 10 and ThrottleStop is working correctly so no need to worry about that Windows setting.