Hello, i just noticed limit reasons and have a hard time understanding what i need to do, to fix these errors. I get these errors after a gaming session and not when im idling. I will attach pictures of my settings and thank you in advance.
Boxes lighting up in Limit Reasons are not really errors. They are just telling you why your CPU is throttling and not running at max speed. The most important ones are under the CORE column of Limit Reasons. The one that says THERMAL is a problem. Your CPU is overheating and thermal throttling (slowing down) when power consumption is only 92 Watts. Are you using the original Intel OEM heatsink and fan on the CPU? Have you cleaned out the dust in recent memory or ever? If you can improve cooling that will improve performance a little.
Turn on the Log File option on the main screen of ThrottleStop before you start playing a game. That way you will have a record of your CPU performance. Any reasons for throttling will be written to the log file. Attach a log file to your next message when you are finished testing. Try to play for at least 15 minutes while logging data.
When using Limit Reasons, watch for boxes that are constantly red. The red boxes indicate that throttling is in progress.