The truth is you don;t like the Game. That takes nothing away from the fact that Millions of people felt the way I did about the Game. I never bought anything with money. Marvel Heroes taught me that you don't spend money on MMO Games.
POE? Yes some people like it and it was massively popular. However I did not enjoy it the way I enjoyed Torchlight, Grim Dawn or Titan Quest. After a while the Game felt like a real grind to me and the skill tree overwhelmed my senses. At the same time I have a friend that still plays it. I did not spend one cent on that or Diablo 4.
It is just one Game in a growing Ocean of Games. If it was released 2 months later my Game of the year would have been Grendizer. Not because it has shump and Star Fox levels. Not because it has every special move from the show but because I watched that Anime in Grade 8 every morning before school. Games are Games. There is plenty of other things in this space to be gnarly about but Helldivers 2 is not one of them.
Nah that's the issue I have with it precisely. I
like the game. I dislike the fact its a live service game with all the shitty tricks in the book, except 'a bit less so' and then its all well? They call that a sliding scale, and I've already found how that can cause issues. Already, content packs are constantly putting new things up for you to farm for. That's fine if its fair game with ingame currency. There is no need to add an MTX-currency here, if it is all nice and unnecessary anyway, right? And of course, the reason you only get 10 SC when you pick up a drop on the map, and its not possible to earn the next 1000 straight out of your bond is directly related. Its tweaked such that there is a flow of income, even if YOU don't pay it, its being paid.
The PoE comparison is there just to show the differences in approach and how much of a better deal it really is. F2P... totally optional purchases that have no impact on gameplay versus B2P with so-so optional purchases because they DO influence gameplay and you're constantly fed new challenges and new weapons are certainly going to give more options. Anyway. I'll drop it, we see this differently and that's fine.
You're right though, just one game in the vast ocean, but we're here identifying what in the ocean is most interesting... I just found myself skipping over Helldivers 2 more often than not because of its online service characteristics. The matchmaking that does fail a lot. Etc. I don't have a fixed group to play with either, so 'efficient farming' isn't a thing here. That changes the perspective, in a big way wrt the presence of MTX

The missions themselves though yea, an absolute blast every time. Its pretty awesome. It would have been better without the store. Let's move on to the other GOTY's...