As I have stated before, I've done manufacturing, worked in manufactoring, as well as reporting on manufactoring companies. So you understand where I am coming from.
I'm going to call part of the article/press release from Ngreedia is
BULLsh!t Marketing.
If I remember correctly by law here in the US You have to use Bio-degradable inks for boxing.
The glaze look on a fancy box is most likely clay based and not plastic based as it has to be biodegradable for landfill here in the US. As far as plastic wrapping for cables/other components? I haven't seen that for years.
Maybe they are saving the earth by not giving me a rubber band that may tie up the other components in the box.
OR maybe they are saving money by not giving me that rubber ban that may tie up the other components that might be in the box.
I don't like BULLsh!t Marketing.
For Ngreedia, they are cutting every corner to make money off of the consumer.
Their Eco Marketing comments = Treehugger coomby ya feel good moments. This is nothing but going Ngreedia on the cheap to make additional profit per unit and give a free "feel good monent in the process".
And saying out of the goodness of their decayed hearts that they are saving the planet by going "eco"???.
Yea... sure... Go con someone else with your marketing drivel. You did it for the $$ signs.
If I am going to pay over $2000 dollars for a (used car) !@#$ gaming card, it better be in a nice video card box so I can show the console peasents the awesomeness of the purchase.
IF AMD pulled the same sh!t on me or anyone else trying to play the Eco card on me like this. I call them out as well.
In the end it is all about the money. Nothing more. Nothing less.
ADDED: I WAS going to buy something for myself as I've done well this year despite all of the @$$ hattery going on with the economy. But man this set me off.
Instead I think I'll buy another piece of investment property and maybe in 6 months I'll look into upgrading my rig. Sometimes when you don't get your drug of choice (coffee for me) and you read this type of nonsense from a monopolistic corporation, it kinds of sets your mood for the rest of your day.