Update: I have no idea why the following worked, I went back to Windows 11 and It looks like that 99th won't drop anymore if I disable ReBAR and set Maximum Perfomance Profile from Nvidia. Coming back to Windows 11 new issues arised such as drops in 99th percentile (not noticeable compared to the original) if Steam is in the background, the game doesn't even have to be from Steam, could be another application and Will still have these unnoticeable microstutters. And for some reason, (I have experienced this only on the FFXIV Benchmark tool at the moment) I will get the same stutter in the first 3 minutes of opening up the character selection tool, didn't have this issue before, still I'm not counting this one since at the very least It doesn't look important. Either way I think I have at least found a workaround to these problems, good enough I guess, I'm able to play at a nice 60 FPS without random drops caused by unreasonable things, 120 FPS sometimes isn't perfect but if those are unnoticeable good enough too.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this odd thing, given a scenario I don't have Steam opened and Maximum Performance in NCP set, I am 100% sure if I run a test at 120 FPS things go smooth as butter as much time as you want, meanwhile It will stutter at 60. I think It has to do with the GPU and VRAM clock Speed not being maxed out? I don't think It makes a lot of sense being completely random, but still.