Your reviews (with big chunks of the conclusion page copy-pasted) are based on the price being $1000. From your own tables, every card except Gainward's is expected to hit at over $1200. It's quite clear that the FE cards are there just to skew the product's value perception, with minimal real availability. Why are you falling for this?
The copy/paste conclusion is used because the cards all use the same chip. The features are all identical. It would be an experiment in inefficiency to somehow create a 'new' description for every new card based on the same chip. Also, if he didn't repeat the info, and you only read one review, you'd wonder where the 'full' content was. If the conclusion simply read <see FE review>, that would seem excessively lazy. I look at the heat/noise sections, as that's really where things differ. OC'ing too.
As far as price is concerned. It's what W1zzard is given to use. I checked UK online yesterday and saw pre-order prices of £979 up to the crazy stupid Asus pricing. Besides, he offers a speculative, generalised current pricing model on the price/perf page.
This is a site that reaches a global audience - it's impractical to expect the prices (that will fluctuate across markets) to be dead-on. Then again, if you look at the price performance section, you'll see that he actually does incorporate changing values - once they are known in real terms. In pre-release, he uses the MSRP. As is standard.