@zoulztealer My CPU temps are fine as I said, I downloaded AMD OverDrive to check temps and it says that I have a thermal margin of 65ºc idle and around 35-40ºc when playing games, I also have been monitoring cpu clock speed with HWinfo playing Guild Wars 2 that is a demanding game at least for my pc and the clock is always running at 3.9Ghz while playing it.
I ran an Aida64 test and the clock only runs at 2.5 too, I've done some little research and seems like it's a power problem so I'll try to change some bios settings and try again.
@zoulztealer My CPU temps are fine as I said, I downloaded AMD OverDrive to check temps and it says that I have a thermal margin of 65ºc idle and around 35-40ºc when playing games, I also have been monitoring cpu clock speed with HWinfo playing Guild Wars 2 that is a demanding game at least for my pc and the clock is always running at 3.9Ghz while playing it.
I ran an Aida64 test and the clock only runs at 2.5 too, I've done some little research and seems like it's a power problem so I'll try to change some bios settings and try again.
you might think its fine but its most certainly not. the question is what is your cpu temp under prime95, aida64 or timerbench / ue4 engine game / full load exactly at the moment where your cpu clocks down? what is your cpu temp when its at 3.9ghz and what is the temp when its at 2.5ghz? are you using igpu? is there throttling detected in aida64? your cpu will even clock down / not fully boost even if there is still 10-20° thermal headroom reported.
i also told you to check for throttling: so do you get throttlling when your cpu clocks down with timerbench and aida or not? if there was a power problem your pc would simply shut off or reboot. if vcore / voltage for cpu is too high this will also result in lower clocks & higher temps and you would have to undervolt / improve / check your cpu cooling one way or the other / check voltages.
as stated before we need a graphical log, sreenshots etc such as from aida64, hwinfo64, that i showed on the page before and much more information without which and the little info and insight you provide theres simply no point in further discussing this here especially if you use a stock-cooler and igpu at the same time (clear overheat). if you want to continue this topic consider creating an extra thread for it since this is non-related to hpet.
max allowed temp for this cpu seems to be at only 70°C / 74°C and so youll run into throttling / not fully boosting always very fast with improper / stock cooling and igpu at around 50-60° degree already to some extent.
Hi, a few weeks ago I noticed my apu is getting high temps both idling and processing acording to HWMonitor. It's about 3 months old, stock cooler. It came with 1 pin not completely straight, I don't know if maybe it can be the reason. Also when I placed the cooler on top of the processor I had...
Kaveri APUs really need a proper CPU cooler. Otherwise neither the CPU, neither the iGPU will Turbo boost and you're basically loosing performance.
Hi All, I have recently built a PC and for now i have opted for a AMD A6-7400k processor with a stock cooler. On idle this seems to be around 66 Degrees but sometimes it can get in the 80+ Range. Although my case only has one exhaust fan at the rear it is well ventilated as i can feel air...
Two things come to mind. The chip's max temp is 70C. If you're getting to 66, you're closer to the max temp than I'm comfortable with.
@zoulztealer Yes I'm actually using the iGPU as you can see here. I have three different cpu temperatures in HWinfo, they are CPU (Tctl), CPU Package (TSI) and another one called just CPU under motherboard section. Monitoring the last one it shows that playing Guild Wars 2 that is a very cpu demanding game it reachs a max temp of 58ºC and the average is 54/55 and the cpu clock is always 3.9Ghz without downclocks, that's why I think it's a power/voltage problem, I'll try to undervolt the boost clock speed but never made that before.
@zoulztealer Yes I'm actually using the iGPU as you can see here. I have three different cpu temperatures in HWinfo, they are CPU (Tctl), CPU Package (TSI) and another one called just CPU under motherboard section. Monitoring the last one it shows that playing Guild Wars 2 that is a very cpu demanding game it reachs a max temp of 58ºC and the average is 54/55 and the cpu clock is always 3.9Ghz without downclocks, that's why I think it's a power/voltage problem, I'll try to undervolt the boost clock speed but never made that before.
no, dont undervolt your cpu now or switch anything in the bios you dont understand. btw i do not advertise, recommend or instruct you to do anything. this is only for illustration and how it would be theoretically done. simply verify if everything is ok in bios and your cpu runs on auto or default voltage. you shouldnt do anything more than that right now if you are inexperienced because if you do anything wrong in bios or somewhere else you will destroy or damage your pc.
just leave everything as it is and be happy with your pc. check if your cooler is clean or consider to upgrade your cooling solution thats the best you can do.
you should also check your powerplan settings for performance or use other amd tools where you will find options to tweak the apu power state between power saving and performance and if possible always use the latest driver::
the effect you see is that timerbench / ue4 and / or other games app simply utilize your apu so much that it needs better cooling but it may even be unable to solve or improve much even with better like water cooling depending on what the issues are.
basically youre having cooling / overheat issues and therefore you also shouldnt neither "challenge" this with a bunch of furmark tests etc which will only cause unnecessary extreme stress and danger to the apu compound.
if youre having other issues with the gpu clock these could be solved by bios updating, tweaking / manually setting cpu and igpu voltage and clocks or loading bios defaults. there could also be possibilities to manually set the apu clock somewhere - but that would be overclocking and unless you didnt improve your cooling situation you should leave everything as it is and get a stronger cooler as you will only make it worse than it already is.
after all you can maybe tweak your apu in bios the way you want it with fixed voltages and fixed clocks in bios or an app - but thats overclocking and - like undervolting - will lead to more issues and / or permanent damage or total failure of the pc. i would also not fiddle with voltages with software / app from windows before / until you havent made sure all the basics in bios are ok to do so. those apps like ktk15 will also have certain prerequisites and requirements to work correctly.
if you have a stock cooler you should get a better cooler like this one, its only 15-20€ and maybe a proper extra discrete gpu - first of all create a solid foundation - because basically you can not go with the stock cooler and expect proper performance. an extra cooler like this will likely be a noticeable upgrade and improvement in terms of temperature and performance supposed everything has been properly installed:
take the money and invest a part of it in sth like a gtx970/980/980ti which is only sth like 50-100€ and you will have insanely better gaming performance than with only the apu.
and btw you still didnt say if you have throttling in aida or not when its downclocking with timerbench - but there will likely be throttling - or else the cpu clock wouldnt go down because the ue4-bench pulls so much from gpu and cpu at the same time. this happens with all cpus and is more or less normal. when is the last time you opened your pc case and visibly checked your pc cooler if everything is alright, clean of dust and properly placed?
if you are getting full cpu and full gpu speed in the games you play though then theres nothing you have to worry about anyway.
Die Nvidia GeForce GTX 980Ti 6GB Founders Edition GDDR5 Grafikkarte von HP bietet erstklassige Leistung für anspruchsvolle Gaming- und Grafikanwendungen. Mit einem NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti Chipsatz und 6 GB GDDR5-Speicher liefert sie beeindruckende Grafikleistung für ein immersives...
i bet some guys in the forum would even give you an old gpu for a very low price and if you pay for the transport fees; but if you take sth like 50€ in your hand all your issues will be solved and it would be best invested with a discrete gpu and / or a better cpu cooler because this will boost your performance by several hundred percent and theres nothing else that you could do that would give you so much performance at once. best case would be to upgrade cpu cooler and / or discrete gpu, update, tweak and optimize bios and os.
are you getting performance anywhere near to this?
illustrations for education, teaching, distance learning, private study and/or research
illustrations for education, teaching, distance learning, private study and/or research
search youtube for amd a6-7400k overclock:
AMD A6 6400k overclock <- particularly similar to this video is what youve been looking for: to optimize your system you will have to a) lower voltage as much as possible and b) increase frequency as much as possible - maintain highest possible frequency at lowest possible voltage = best performance power efficiency and lowest temps. i would consider disable thermal throttling / all or certain power saving features, warning etc and do a slight / power efficient manual / fixed bios oc at healthy 24/7/365 values depending on what is the gain / risk of increased damage on kaveri type apu and how good it is to overclock and keep cool. the bios shown in video and screenshot offers a lot of possibility to play around with. if you do a moderate / slight oc or simply manual default type mode oc of 3.9ghz at moderate slighty lowered voltage of 10-25% you should be fine.
if you step down / optimize voltages with ktk15 you will have to step down / optimize all of them for best results and all of the frequencies too. i would be extremely careful with FID and VID settings - one typo / mistake and your cpu is destroyed!you need the proper table or formula to calculate FID and VID values accordingly.
in order to find your perfect values youll have to experiment with a certain kind of system where you only do small 10-25% changes to frequencies and / or voltages and always watch your temp and whether your throttling.
but i wouldnt do that and rather prefer each sane and healthy 1 fixed frequency and 1 fixed voltage per bios derived from the average / default mode(s) and disable all throttling, power saving etc if possible, optimize / oc ram, etc etc and keep apu complex always under 80°C.