I hate Cryshit...i was baptized by COD4
Seriously... take a long god damn look at COD4, man that game is going to be in the hall of fame, thats the standard we gamers go for today, Cryshit was really a bag of-shit man, i ran it with the latest parts, my hard drive was Samsung T1 f1, and still the jitters just drove me mad...oh did anyone play up to the 2 final boss on the ship, well i had manage to, but just guess what ???
"i freakin literally fell through the damn hard deck...no really, like fall right through" man i was so pissed i uninstalled it right after, didn't even bother to see what the ending was like. i hear its some halo 2 knock off.
the X-play review was horrid, a mean those guys complete totaled it, they even showed the well known bug of an over turned tank still firing around, why couldn't they just waited a few more months to clean up all those bugs.
last ones Vista 64 bit Ultimate + Crysis

And guess what the game probably won't be playable at Very High.
You know i wouldn't mind if i wasn't able to play on Very High...but the truth is i was able to, cause i had 8800gt's in SLI and yeah sure they built a game for the future...thats understandable, but the crappy AI, crappy voice overs, Bugs...those alone will just throw you off, i uninstalled the game twice, i reinstalled it again cause i was board and didnt have COD4 just yet

, i just cant see my self playing this game a year later when tech is up to requirements, by then the competition is going to be sick with the latest and greatest.
I don't know how some dude said it was realistic based on shooting down some trees, the guns to me didn't feel realistic at all, the reason why we all talk about COD4 is because COD4 is now the standard we go for, nothin less, only better, Cryshit was suppose to be tha must have game but i'll let sale statistics speak for them selves.
Man i am just so glad i didn't waste my 50 bucks on this bag a hype, and to believe it was actually going to be good, damn it even up to now that stinking background music still playing in my head, man it was hideous... dont get me started on the voice overs, as for fan boys man they are so in denial, pretty pictures and graphics don't fizzle us anymore and i could go on about how bad this game was, but its just not worth my time, real gamers know a real game when they play it.
Man i just love those sexy ass British S.A.S voice overs. Oh well off to some COD4...