cdawall - blah, blah, blah. For example my JetWay V600DAP use as ram cache a chip, that is made for KT266/333 chipsets and has a 166Mhz limit. JetWay proudly say this mobo is 200Mhz FSB capable and even offer in bios FSB setting up to 252Mhz.
Overclocking components, lying to customers and cheating customers on caps you call "jetway=machspeed"?
tigger69 - yes, these caps have vents for these reasons. When they fail (even vents performing can be made cheapo!) the explosion is dramatic. Remember this pic from Random Murderer...?
Now you know what I mean.
And I disagree with you. It is not inevitable. Good caps never do this, unless they are overstressed by bad caps in PSU (usual case) or unless they are not overpolarized. Or overheated over 105°C ...
Nitro-Max -
And the fact that it blew right near the atx power feed id say the overclock was drawing alot of wattage and it heated up.
And his is your explaination what happend?
What if I offer you a better one?
The OCZ PSU is well-known to have crappy Teapo bad caps inside. If you stress it, it generate excessive (and I mean excessive!) ripple that will blow ANY cap.
Another explaination possible is, that the cheapo Asus mobo has underrated caps - I mean, come on! There are even empty sockets for Vcore imput caps - this is unforgivable! The quality Os-cons are only 560uF at the end of Vcore - even I get my hands on 820uF Os-cons with the same size and IIRC 1000uF versions are made as well of the SEPC Os-cons. Why not use them?!
And input cap just a 270uF? You gotta be kidding me. Any cap will blew up there. The capacity is laughably low. Especially for overclocking. This is a bad joke. Total imput Vcore capacity had a GREAT impact on resulting Vcore stability and I usualy go for 3x 3300uF or 4x 3300uF caps when intend to hit 3Ghz with AXP. I know that there are more that just one cap, but still, what is the total? And what CPU are we talking about?

And final possible explaination - the Fujitsu cap that blew-up could be fake one.
And ever if it is not a fake one, then the higher voltage polymers technology (yes, 16V is a problem to made in polymers!) are new and Taiwan-made and I did not exactly and fully trust i yet. And even if it is trustworthy (I still have my doubts, Japs did not made it and they started with polymers abou 40 years ago, so, it maybe are just patched with hot needle stuff...), it is absolutely stupid to use polymers in the Vcore imput. Polymers shine in hi-frequency regulation. If you use then on low frequency, you get worser results that from average elyte cap. And in PSU regulation, we talk about low frequency, suitable for elytes. So a bunch of Samxon GC/GA or Rubycon MCZ or Nicicon HZ caps would do wonders here, while the polymers are there entierly wrongly.
Of course, it allow to marketing the mobo as "all solid caps only" BS. It is true then, but they are never optimal. They are suboptimal at best, more likely mediocre.
Stupid move.
If you want more reading on the subject, you should take the words of specialist, a old Australia guy Davmax:
i think its still safe to say that solid state caps are the best way to go for life expectancy
That depends on usage, if they are geniune and if they are NOT connected to bad caps in PSU. No easy answers and generalization works there. It is not like "Either are with us, or you are with the terrorists. -G.W.Bush". It is simply not black and white.
It depends. And in this case, it is bad caps in psu and dumb and overcheap mobo design. Before overclocking it should be recapped completely.
i mean some of these guys that thought ill save a few bucks by buying a cheap mobo only to see it go up in flames and loose most of the other parts too they didnt really save nothing in the end it was an expensive move
Who says that "I'm not that rich to buy cheap stuff." anyway?
When it comes to overclocking you have to remember you are running things outside the recomended factory settings even mobos with overclocking capabilitys dont come with any guarentees its always do so at your own risk.
Indeed. What most people do NOT realize that some settings ARE in bios, but are NOT intended to use

Why they are in bios? Just to make the mobo looks cool and overclockable. Just like the JetWay V600DAP with 166Mhz ram cache chip and 252Mhz in bios that the board never ever could manage, not even if I supply a direct 3,3V to the ram cache chip and cool it's core directly with lixuid oxygen
imperialreign -
difference between cheap, low-end boards and quality, high-end boards comes into play. Certain brands can withstand the abuse far much better than others, but everything has a limit, though
I would add that overclocking on underrated PSU ( he use just 520W PSU!!! ) that has known bad caps is a pretty dumb move.
Dell Precision 450 with Nichicon caps, user markp, OC AU forums.