Random Murderer -
Well, yes. I never had it, only crappy Celeron II Slot1 things and it would give me a reason why resuscitate (or at least try) the MSI 6163 pro board - as the upper mosfet is fryed up badly and the mobo did not post anymore.
If that fail, I use this Slot1 P3 as good excuse to recap others Slot1 still (not entierly reliable - Licon caps, G-Luxon caps) posting mainboards I have - AOpen AX6LC, PC Chips M761 and Tomato BXv98-AT
Snake05 - maybe next time
tkpenalty -
Yes, they must have aluminium vent, because of security reasons. Believe or not, but the force of the cap explosion (there is also hydrogen and we all know what happen to Challenger) is quite considerable and I was once near (2 feet) exploding G-Luxon (luckily it just wanted, or I was not here!) cap and I must tell you, I lost my hearing for short period of time. Do not underestiminate the force. Of course I was close to my KGZ caps on DFI LP B explosion in case (thanks to Fuhjyyu caps in PSU), about 3 feet and it was not much bad this time, so it differ... Yet still the vents are not there for fun.
Maybe the vent are bellow the black casing? Check that out.
You never can "not realize" the caps exploded. I can guarantee you that much
Even if you are not close, the machine in question will stop working or even catch fire. You cannot miss that. But it is true, that w/o seeing the vent, you never know the cap is bulging on you and that is dangerous.