I just want to see the benchs, I think that is obvious why they made it with mobile versions and watercooling. That beast must have massive temps and needs alot of cooling, and of course mobile are smaller, easier to cool and need less power.
Looking at this right now whithout performance tested is worthless but if it is as simple as this:
If this beast cant kill an 9800gx2 than it is really a lost cause.
Anyway I just want to see the 4x3 gpu setup running. I doubt anyone can put all of that inside a common case or even get a motherboard with 8slots and 4 of them pcie2.0 at full speed and just thinking of this is giving me an headache because the driver unless they have really well optimized drivers for this.....
oh well I just hope all of this is possible so I can fall out of my chair and cry of joy.
just thinking in all of this..... well I lost my words.. no way to express.