yeah, they are blurry. I changed it to where it captures pictures at 70cm... I still can't use the capturing part with TPU so I'll just link you to my
photobucket.. I really don't mind people looking at things I like.
As for the phase capacitor, I heard that after a while the stock cap can corrode and leak over the sound card. So, I had rm do the mod. I don't do a lot of modding myself with a sodering iron because of the fact that RM has more practice at it, and just gets a high doing that sort of thing. I'm learning, just don't want to f up the card...
I did every single mod but the padding to this card. I haven't yet found a place to buy it at a good price.
yeah, the big power filter capacitor right next to the APU is the single most notorious leaker on the X-Fis.
If you're looking for recommendations, PM trodas on it - he's done a lot of work with the Fatal1ty card so far, and can offer some excellent recommendations as to what to replace with what. I believe, IIRC, on his card, he's even completely removed the audio filter capcatitors for the output channels as well - the ones prior to the OPAMPs. He's suggested that with the OPAMP replacement, sound is much better and clearer as well.
By the way - a really good idea would be to pick up some of those small RAM-sinks (similar to these:, and place one on the DAC and one on each OPAMP, mosfet, <one of the other chips on the lower right side of the card, don't remember what it is off the top of my head> - also, if you have a larger, rectangluar RAMsink, slap one on that piece of DRAM. Copper preferablly - the copper will act as a small EMI sheild for the chip, and will help remove some heat from the component, especially if you do a lot of intense gaming. The cooler the components run, the better and clearer the sound will be. Aluminum HSes will work as well, but don't provide the same level of EMI benefit that the copper will.
Asides, looks good so far CS!
btarunr said:
HS900 is an excellent pair, the same that's rebadged now with Fatal1ty branding and sold for ~ $125. Besides you're getting this along with Elite Pro. Daniel K's drivers don't cover X-Fi Prelude.......yet. A serious lot of ASIO features of the Elite Pro can be unlocked by Dan's drivers that aren't available on Xtreme Gamer Fatal1ty Pro / Platinum Fatal1ty Champion.
very true! @ Wile, if you're in the market for the best sounding audio card, and money isn't a big problem - keep your eye on either the Auzentech X-Fi Prelude, or the Creative X-Fi Elite Pro. Auzen's is still reigning supreme, but 3rd party drivers are opening up the versatility o the Elite Pro a lot. Asides, as far as Creative's X-Fi cards are concerned - the Elite Pro is a beast all to it's own.