Well it seems I can run SMP 5.91 beta6 in Vista x64, but 5.92 is not compatable with x64 yet, so I should be cranking out a bit more...
It doesn't seem the have the old GPU client that supports my G/F's 1950xtx...kind of a bummer imo...I may still have a copy hiding in my download file somewhere, but if it's no longer supported it's kinda pointless...but for sure that OC'd 6300 is getting a dose of SMP 5.91 beta6...since she's on Vista x64 too, we'll both wait for updates. Too bad they couldn't find a way to support the older shaders also on the new GPU2 client, that wouldn't been cool, but can't blame them either.
It seems one SMP uses all 4 cores, maybe I misread or it was an older version that used only 2 cores...no complaints lol! Plus it seems my iter/sec for the GPU2 client didn't drop...it averages around 2300 i/sec...dunno if that's good or bad, but it does a decent job of cranking out work so I'll leave it be for now.
Well, I vote once a week Skitzo or someone posts the Screens of TPU stats, that is really cool to see and I'm sure I could go to the page, but hell...I visit TPU more than anywhere....even if it was just the first post and fewer screenshots I think it'd be kinda cool to see updated...it might get more people motivated to see that their work is not only helping fight cancer and cure other diseases, but helping get TPU up in the charts for being a larger donator to the research.
Edit: Just got FAHMon up and running too so I can track what I'm doing, I'm kinda interested in this program, seems very promising. Also I do notice a little drop in GPU2 performance, it fluxuations a little more, lowest peak around 1800 i/s, but it'll shoot up to 2500 i/s, so the average is still around 2200-2300. I hope that's decent for an OC'd 9600GT...
Edit #2: Alright, played with FAHMon, got both my SMP and GPU2 clients up reading correctly, it seems my SMP Q6600 @ 3.6 is good for: 2060PPD (I'm guessing this is an estimation since I have yet to complete my first assignment on SMP yet, but I have not checked to see what others are attaining either...)...that about right?
My 9600GT oc'd from 700/1750 GPU and 1000 memory to 850/2125 GPU (vMod) and 1100 memory, it's estimating about : 4365, and has a * next to it too. Does that seem about right?
Total that puts me about: 6393 PPD, which is pretty cool imo..hey the more work my rig can get done while I'm not using it, might as well if it will eventually help cure diseases and cancer!