Estaric Jun 9, 2016 My lucky day an old computer my moms boyfriend had lying around had a i7 2600 in it!
Estaric Jun 7, 2016 The Witcher 3 has to be the most fun iv had with a game in such a long time... I love it!
Estaric May 15, 2016 Im finally taking the time ti beat all the dragon age games. And am having a blast!
Estaric Apr 28, 2016 I use to play so many new titles when gaming and i enjoyed the hell out of it but now i always lock myself into playing the same stuff=
I use to play so many new titles when gaming and i enjoyed the hell out of it but now i always lock myself into playing the same stuff=
Estaric Apr 19, 2016 You ever just start craving to upgrade your computer but know you shouldnt. ITS DRIVING ME INSANE WITH ALL THESE GOOD DEALS HERE
You ever just start craving to upgrade your computer but know you shouldnt. ITS DRIVING ME INSANE WITH ALL THESE GOOD DEALS HERE
Estaric Mar 4, 2016 I got kicked out of school for moving out of district and having bad grades. I really dislike people right now.
I got kicked out of school for moving out of district and having bad grades. I really dislike people right now.
Estaric Feb 25, 2016 Seems as though My AsRock 970 Extreme 3 R2.0 can only handle about a overclock of up to 3.8 ghz on my FX 6300
Seems as though My AsRock 970 Extreme 3 R2.0 can only handle about a overclock of up to 3.8 ghz on my FX 6300
Estaric Feb 18, 2016 Buying my R9 380X next week, was suppose to go with the 390 but certain things popped up and had to use the extra 100 somewhere else
Buying my R9 380X next week, was suppose to go with the 390 but certain things popped up and had to use the extra 100 somewhere else
Estaric Jan 28, 2016 Finally have the time and cash to buy fallout 4 and lemme just say I dont care what anyone says its amazing!
Finally have the time and cash to buy fallout 4 and lemme just say I dont care what anyone says its amazing!
Estaric Jan 22, 2016 Putting my test rig through some tests with a stream, surprisingly handeling it well.
Estaric Dec 9, 2015 When a Kid who wants to become a game creator starts criticizing some of the best games to come out