stinger608 Jan 24, 2012 What Wrigley and Kevin asked, what is up with that color? How in the world did you get it man?
erocker Sep 14, 2011 I've sent you a freind request.. Only because you are an integral part of the TPU infraction and warning process. Our freindship is only a test. '_'
I've sent you a freind request.. Only because you are an integral part of the TPU infraction and warning process. Our freindship is only a test. '_'
BumbleBee Jul 22, 2011 check out the end of the video lol check out the end of the video lol
BumbleBee Jul 3, 2011 check out this video series
mlee49 Jun 24, 2011 Hey, was looking at the Whats wrong with our forums thread and remembered you getting infracted for starting a thread about a new graphics card benchmarks. Was it the HD5000 series? Oh and did you get a temp ban for that? lol, that was funny
Hey, was looking at the Whats wrong with our forums thread and remembered you getting infracted for starting a thread about a new graphics card benchmarks. Was it the HD5000 series? Oh and did you get a temp ban for that? lol, that was funny
erocker Apr 25, 2011 ---------- typing with one hand sucks. i'm currently living the Sheen dream on percocet (broken arm). sign my cast Charlie! ---------- That's cool TheMailMan always types with one hand.
---------- typing with one hand sucks. i'm currently living the Sheen dream on percocet (broken arm). sign my cast Charlie! ---------- That's cool TheMailMan always types with one hand.
BumbleBee Apr 7, 2011 typing with one hand sucks. i'm currently living the Sheen dream on percocet (broken arm). sign my cast Charlie!
typing with one hand sucks. i'm currently living the Sheen dream on percocet (broken arm). sign my cast Charlie!