Those are different intermediate languages - both DXIL and PTX are virtual machines and do not contain native code. Nvidia assembly is SASS, which is compiled down to native microcode via a JIT compiler.
I don’t have to, you are doing perfectly fine on your own. For example anyone working in...
Everyone that wants high performance storage should be using Primocache.
I can’t believe that the idea of RAM caching seems to have been forgotten about. PCTools included it in tne 80’s.
Who said anything about the US?
Today’s history lesson:
You’re going to be really blown away when you learn that automobile manufacturers regularly make products for each other.
I guess they are all incompetent too.
Dude. NVAPI is implemented in CUDA. How many times do you have to be told?
Sure, that’s why everyone uses them, right?
Everyone as in nobody of significance.
You‘re clueless dude. CUDA is used all over the place in games. Just look at the Nvidia branch of UE to start with. It’s open, so assuming you know how to read code you’ll be able to see all the NVAPI calls.
The above assumes you know what an API does of course.