The problem man is stealing is stealing. Poor kids or not. I mean if they can afford a computer and internet access than they ain't that poor.
question, whats your definition of theft/stealing?
The term theft is sometimes used synonymously with Larceny. Theft, however, is actually a broader term, encompassing many forms of deceitful taking of property, including swindling, Embezzlement, and False Pretenses. Some states categorize all these offenses under a single statutory crime of theft.
sorry but p2p/file SHARING dosnt consist of "taking of property" it consists of COPYING bits of data from one/many systems to one/many others, nothing is TAKEN or STOLEN.
Im being very literal here, because the law, its intents and how its implemented are two very differnt things, If you got enough money you can get away with literally anything, OR cause somebody to be found guilty of anything as well.
the US leigal system is quite flawed, its better then many places, but still, its more about "who has the most $ wins the case" or "he who has the $ makes the rules"
I know this is true in other places around the world as well, money and political power are far to much a part of this world......
as to the pg2 crap, dude, i haven't seen any NFO/readme/exct mention it in years, other then to say it was useless and would slow down your downloads so dont use it.(most of the addys blocked are residential dynamic ip's, so blocking them is silly since from day to day anybody could have that addy.)
read the link i provided, it will explain fully why pg2 is worthless.
hell u want funny, at one point pg2 has its own update server blacklisted so u couldnt update it, if you had it running ROFL