Dialogs leaked from Valve's (Steampowered) Headquarters
- Hey, Microsoft is going to sell games on Windows store, what can we do to not have our lazy monopolistic ass that grabs nearly 30% of PC gaming market revenue pwned?
- Let's counter with Linux to get gamers off Windows platform!
- By investing into Vulcan (OpenGL) et al?
- Nah, let's have another Linux distro that would allow you to stream games from your windows machine
- Oh, yeah! That will show them! DirectX, we are coming!!!
For some reason, that didn't quite work.
- Hey, what about Steam machine?
- To use with streaming?
- Yeah, but maybe also with Windows!
- Heh, but don't we want to fight Windows?
- Oh, right, let's release overpriced "Steam Machines" that would allow people to stream games from their Windows Machines!
- That will show them!
For some reason, that didn't quite work.
- Hey, maybe we should also take on PS4 and XBone, what about inventing a controller?
- Right, let's make something that lookes kinda like owl and works like half ***ed mouse.
- Hell yeah! Sony, Microsoft, WE ARE COMING!!!
For some reason, that didn't quite work.
- OMG, Microsoft is actually starting to sell games on Windows Store, what are we going to do?
- Let's start FUD campaign!
He predicted its use as a walled garden
Walled garden "omg this won't work", "omg that won't work" is nothing but part of the FUD campaign.
Valve is too big, you need godzilla to take on it. That's what Microsoft is in this case.
Microsoft does NOT need to create any walls.
Neither would it even try to ban third party applications from its platform. (that would get them insta pwned by EU and company)
They would want to leverage their position to get a nice share of the market.
The way Google did (and does).
Definitely not the way Apple did (and does).