The one saying old installs use 5gb. Just delete old files manually. Set folders by date of install and keep only new ones..
Well, from what I read online, having everything on a SSD helps with this issue, but there is still a little delay, how long, I can't say off the top of my head. All I know is, that currently with my HDD and all the games I have on it, it takes a good 3-4 minutes to become responsive.
Wutt, really? I have old ssd and only 5games on ssd, rest across 4 partitions on 2 hdds and i never wait longer then 5- 10sec.
Back in the days it started a lot faster -became responsive. You could adjust the settings as soon as you opened nvcpl. But then they decided, think ~ R330+, to change it because it conflicted with few profiles or something like that so its more accurate and now it is what it is.
Thats why i prefer nvinspector profile editor, super fast and can do all kinds of stuff.. I use nvcpl only for the first time to set dsr and video settings then close it for good.
Btw quick workaround if you want it to be responsive is to close it in e.g. physx or resolution tab. Next time you start it it will open that tab and be responsive right away.