Remember, art is in the eye of the beholder.
Not really, there's always multiple people praising and following one art. If you're alone...Well there are some problems.
You get one more chance. Explain yourself. You throw these insulting terms out at me without examples or explanation. You keep calling me that but it is also plain from all your posts that you know nothing about me. So please explain your font of wisdom about me and ability to label me as some kind of lesser gamer.
A true gamer plays a wide spectrum of games. You apparently have pigeonholed yourself into some kind of singular type of game that only in your tiny mind do you think that it is the opposite of casual gaming, whatever that is. The rest of the world knows what casual gamers are, and it is not a nice term. Grow up and stop trying to label people by what you think they are or what you think they know or what you think they play.
Also try visiting and contributing somewhere besides the news forum and you’d know a lot more about the people you are talking to.
Again with insults, where do you see insults? Lesser gamer? You're just a casual gamer, there's nothing wrong being that, it's not like you have some deficiency, it means you're not too serious with them, nothing more nothing less.
A true gamer plays a wide spectrum of games, but always maintaining a high standard, and using that standard (crafted with years of experience of playing videogames) to judge and analyze a videogame and its contents, and not lowering his standard in order to appreciate what's currently on the market and what's launching on it just because "i want to have fun" or just because "anything else is worse" because if you only seek fun and amusement time into a videogame that's exactly when you can be labelled as casual gamer, which is not a bad thing as you seem to think, it's just a group of people who decided to take a different approach at videogames compared to who's really interested to. And before you start doing that, no, it's not a matter of tastes, not always, actually, most of the time it isn't, it's actually a matter of appreciating the art and the passion put in a game, and being able to distinguish something we refer as good (just because we like it) from something we refer as bad (just because we don't like it) liking/not liking must be a completely different thing from good/not good, i have several videogames (also music and movies) i like, but they're not necessarily good, meaning, i can't go around saying they're good because i like it, because it's not true, i like it because i like it, and that's the end of the story, same with the opposite, what i don't like isn't necessarily bad, but of course there's also the case where, i like what's good, and dislike what's bad, and this is one of those situations. There's objectively bad and good, and it has to stay separate from subjectively bad and good.
I keep seeing the same people on this forum, especially in the news section, i'm more of a "disqus" guy, that's why i mostly comment on news, i don't bother with else unless i need it, besides i don't need to know you in person to understand your point of view on videogames, it's enough reading your position regarding this matter here, which gives me a pretty significant hint, and your previous avatar also gives me another hint. Stop thinking casual gamers are bad, they're just casual gamers, it's as simple as that.
Whew that took me 5 minutes
Anyway, i want to clarify a few things first. Number one, i'm not judging people about their life on anything except videogames, i'm only talking about videogames here,
rtwjunkie can be the nicest guy in the world, i can't know that, but in this discussion here, i don't really care, what i care about is his point of view on this matter, and i'm judging that only, not else, that's why him, and you should take this much more lightly than what you are, because i don't intend to insult anyone, but if any of you feels insulted there's not much i can do honestly, i'm just not insulting. Second, videogaming is time passing for everyone essentially, but there's quality time passing, that which replaces (or is part of) even of the things considered to be of utmost importance in life, that's how serious i think videogames are it's not any tunnel vision.
"Get this... we are all here because we LOVE video games. Nobody who doesn't love video games puts in the time on forums or is even aware that conversations like this are happening "
Wrong, many people (i'm not saying it's necessarily this situation here) like to talk even if they're way out of their field or interests, because they like to be in the middle of the discussion and like to get all sort of attentions, and that is very common on forums especially, but also in real life, speaking just for the sake of it, to create a mean to exchange a few words, because there's either nothing better to do, or we want to prove anything either to us, or to others, or both.
What i think is that if someone truly likes something, anything really, it should be their main focus, and put as much time possible in it, very logical if you ask me.
What you do determines partly who you are, and you can determine a big part of a person's character by knowing their tastes in music in movies, in anything really, included videogames, but since we're not talking about anything else except videogames i'd maintain the focus on that.
A serious gamer simply wants as much of their time as possible to revolve around video games.
Exactly, but not anyone spends the same way this said time on them, and it's not the amount i'm talking about, it's the intensity and the passion which is equally, if not more important the the amount.
I'm just playing detective here, i'm using hints to understand people's taste, and i'm not using one hint, i'm using multiple, and until now i've been pretty much always right about my "preconceiving" and pretty much always i centered or gone very near my initial analysis. Of course i won't reveal my analysis here, it would be too easy to counter that just to make me look like a fool, no sir, i'm pretty sure i've centered 100% his character and tastes as a videogamer, we might have some favorite games in common, or some games we refer to as very high quality, but what matters is the average game.
Again what i'm talking about here is videogames only, and i can draw conclusions based on different hints, i'm not "judging" the guy on anything else except videogames, as i already said, he might even be the nicest person on the planet, but that's not the subject now. I have many friends i know in person, (and through internet) who are very casual gamers, everyone to a different degree, it's not like i'll stop being their friend just because they don't agree with what i think on this thing, but the fact they're casual gamers remains, and there's nothing wrong with that.
"That aside, the idea that somehow a real gamer should be more concerned about how the game is launched than actually playing the game sounds really, really uppity to me"
Not more, he should be equally concerned. What is it people, it works when the subjects of the discussion are intel, AMD and nvidia, and not when it's video game PC platforms/stores? Come on!
Many people have this mindset. It doesn't mean they don't care about games. It just means their passion for games steers them differently.
It steers in the casual direction - What matters is having fun, no matter how i do it, who i pay, and what i use, just fun.
All of this nitpicking going on... but what does any of it have to do with whether or not what Epic is doing is a good thing?
Oh it has much to do...Because until now, i've heard or read only a certain group of people defending epic, and all those shared the same mentality and way of thinking, that's what it has to do.
I ask you to be more concise next time, just because you've repeated yourself several times in this one, and you've answered stuff you misunderstood from my posts (the fault was probably mine, i'm not really that good explaining, especially in my non native language).
Comment section just proved that Steam fanboys are always angry and hates competitions.